Back pain can start at your feet — specifically with the shoes you’re wearing. Find out about the link between back pain and footwear.
Mr. Joe was suffering from lower back pain. He went to a doctor for general consultancy. But the primary doctor can’t determine the reason of back pain,and advised him to consult with a podiatrist. And there he got the reason after several medical test. Yes it is his shoes!!! Though it can sound weird but it is true that wrong footwear can lead to lower back pain and fatigue.
Back pain can also be connected through poor choices for the people who are fashionable. Ladies with high heel can feel some extra stress and lower back pain. On the other hand Flip flop is so flat that the lack of support can lead to arch pain, heel pain, ankle pain, or knee pain. Even comfy Crocs lack arch and ankle support and may cause problems.
You have a number of good choices for shoes designed to ease or reduce symptoms from musculoskeletal complaints involving foot, knee, hip, and back pain, says Kenneth S. Jung, MD, a foot and ankle surgeon at Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Angeles. “All of these are linked, and the force imparted on the foot is ultimately imparted on the back.”
You’ll be able to find some shoe choices at regular stores, and you’ll need to go to a specialty shop for the more customized ones. The most important thing is to make sure you choose the right shoe for your particular foot type and problem.
One of the most important features to look for is the arch — it should be designed to work with the natural arch of your feet. Generally speaking there are three shapes of foot arch: pronation (low), neutral, and supination (high).
Ultimately, the first step to take is a podiatrist visit — with the right diagnosis and recommendations for footwear, it could be the last step you take in pain.